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Pre-Launch Survey Waitlist FyndFlow

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this survey! I really appreciate your time and valuable insights. As a previous [CLIENT/CUSTOMER], there's no one more qualified than you to help me improve the [PRODUCT/OFFER/SERVICE].

To make the process as smooth as possible, I've put together this 10-question survey that should take around 15 minutes to complete. Whatever you share will directly influence my business as I make [PRODUCT/OFFER/SERVICE] even better.

The very best way to approach this survey is as a space for your thoughts. There’s no such thing as a wrong answer, and the less edited your responses are, the more helpful they’ll be.

Sound good? Let's dive in.

What was (or wasn't!) happening in your [life/business] before you invested in [offer/product/service]?

What led you to start looking for [offer/product/service]?

Why was it so important to find a solution?

What, if anything, kept you from [hiring me/purchasing the offer] sooner?

Think back to that moment right after you [signed the contract/purchased the offer]. What were you most excited about? What were you feeling?

What hesitations did you have about investing in the [offer/product/service], and how did or didn't your experience with the [offer/product/service] address those?

What, if anything, makes the [offer/product/service] different or better than similar [products/offers/services] you've invested in before?

If you had to summarize the benefits of the product/service in a couple of sentences, what would you say?

What, if anything, could [I/the product/our team] have done better to address your needs?

Would it be alright if I reached out to get more details on your responses? If so, please enter your name and email address.

Thanks again for taking the time to fill this out! It truly means the world to me. 💌